The original Rage Comic Maker for Android; build your own comics, anywhere.
- Choose from nearly 500 hilarious rage faces and images
- Downloadable add-on image packs
- Output high-res .png comics and share through Twitter/Gmail/etc.
- Search functionality
- Painting/Drawing functionality
- Add/Remove comic panels
- Full multi-touch scaling and rotating of faces (single touch resize also supported)
- Completely Ad free
- App2SD
- And more!
Exclusive to the Pro version:
- Load your own images from your device
- Edit the watermark with your own name or signature, or, remove it completely
- Buys your hard working dev a coffee so I can stay awake longer and build you
more updates :)
- Load your own images from your device
- Edit the watermark with your own name or signature, or, remove it completely
- Buys your hard working dev a coffee so I can stay awake longer and build you
more updates :)
Q. Is it possible to use Gallery pics in comics?
A. Yes, check out the Pro version.
Q. Is it possible to use Gallery pics in comics?
A. Yes, check out the Pro version.
Q. How do I save my comic?
A. Press the menu button on your device, (or the 3 dots at the top if you're on ICS), and hit save.
A. Press the menu button on your device, (or the 3 dots at the top if you're on ICS), and hit save.
If you have problems please let me know, and make sure to try the free version before buying pro!
* Would you like to help translate to your language? It's fun and easy to do, just drop me an email at the address below! *
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