Friday, June 29, 2012

RoidRage Comic Maker Pro APK

RoidRage Comic Maker Pro

The original Rage Comic Maker for Android; build your own comics, anywhere.

- Choose from nearly 500 hilarious rage faces and images
- Downloadable add-on image packs
- Output high-res .png comics and share through Twitter/Gmail/etc.
- Search functionality
- Painting/Drawing functionality
- Add/Remove comic panels
- Full multi-touch scaling and rotating of faces (single touch resize also supported)
- Completely Ad free
- App2SD
- And more!
Exclusive to the Pro version:
- Load your own images from your device
- Edit the watermark with your own name or signature, or, remove it completely
- Buys your hard working dev a coffee so I can stay awake longer and build you
more updates :)
Q. Is it possible to use Gallery pics in comics?
A. Yes, check out the Pro version.
Q. How do I save my comic?
A. Press the menu button on your device, (or the 3 dots at the top if you're on ICS), and hit save.
If you have problems please let me know, and make sure to try the free version before buying pro!
* Would you like to help translate to your language? It's fun and easy to do, just drop me an email at the address below! *


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